: +91-7310799157 , 9958350317 , 7351243555 , 01334-358171
I am immensely pleased to welcome you all to the The Oxford School- a vibrant institution that nurtures saplings in the form of our students. Ours is a happy community rooted in tradition but aims to teach our students to grow beyond borders and boundaries. We promote the highest standard of teaching and for that we consistently strive hard to create a free and congenial environment.
I am proud to say that our school plays an important role in generating value education. These values go beyond academic benefits as has been proved time and again by our students who have shone at the district, state as well as national level in various fields.We at the oxford are aware of the challenges that our fast paced society is facing these days. Undeterred by these circumstances, we work with perseverance to achieve new benchmarks in the field of education. We do believe that discipline makes a person sensible, sincere and target oriented. As such we have developed an amicable way of making students learn self-discipline. Each & every corner of our temple of learning is imbued with ultra-cleanliness and soothing calmness. Our child centered educational methods cater compassionately to the bright as well as slow learners.
I sincerely want to thank my dedicated staff members who have worked with utmost zeal and energy to help run this prestigious institution. After all, teaching is much more than a career or a profession.
In the words of Nelson Mandela
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “
Mr. Arvind Chauhan
Founder Chairman